

I was playing with low-latency reversed-AJAX for quite some time during last summer already. Apparently decent implementation of the push-features is a huge gap in modern browsers. Facebook and java world apparently is in love with COMET. Some nice apps, such as Etherpad use it quite successfully. Facebook decided to go half-way through and reopens http connection once every couple of seconds (hell yeah, very efficient). 
Solution based on on WebSockets appears to be far beyond the horizon due to super-dirty specification and implementation Juggernaut was an answer. Following a least-resistance, maximum coverage approach, client-side connectivity of Juggernaut is implemented as very minimal AJAX component attached to every page. Yes, it is dirty but one has to admit, that it covers 99% of browsers' market. 

Today I was very surprised to find that 2nd generation Juggernaut is node.js and Redis based. Apparently there are whole (json-serialised) objects being transferred. Intriguing. 


This post should be dated to Wednesday (2.3)

Following an example suitable for rails 2 I managed to restful todo list access with new ext and rails 3. Neither clean nor easy I must admit.

Ext and Netzke

This post should date Tuesday (1.3)

Digging bit deeper into internals of netzke code sample I was unpleasantly surprised that by default it actually not only ignores RESTful design principles completely but also skips Rails controllers and accesses model directly.
Security ? Verification ? blah. too bad.
I tried to get and idea on what Redis, as Heroku offers it now as a plugin for their infrastructure, sadly following this video I got only more confused. Gosh. If you have nothing to say, then just say nothing. please.
Anyway. I was happy to find that standalone (and thus offline) ExtJS documentation is still maintained. All-in-browser is nice, but bit bothersome if you're in the run.
To wrap up - you can check up straw-man project as I'll keep deploying it to Heroku.

Code that still runs

This post should be dated to Monday (28.02).

It was a nice surprise for me that Devise and Authlogic that I was playing with earlier in the autumn still do their job right.
After all even netzke worked as expected. Speaking of netzke. This is a very good example how nice piece of software left without documentation can render almost useless. Agrrr...
Of interesting news... Sencha presented new ExtJS 4... I'll have a closer look on that later this week.


Apparently I came back to the development mode of SAW, so it looks like this is going to be the place to perform a progress brain-dump of this project. Enjoy.

Next two entries are backlogged.